Wednesday, June 2, 2010

jQuery - usage of $.bind method...

jQuery is widely used javascript library which provides easy ways to do complex things. By using simple Javscript, it takes too much time to code it, but jQuery simple it down to few lines.

To check multiple Checkboxes, i have written the following code.

 <script type="text/javascript" src="html/js/jquery.js"></script>  
 <script type="text/javascript">  
 //on load, register events for checkboxes...  
      function() {       
           $('form[@name="fm"] input:checkbox[@name!="chk_all"]').each (function(index) {  
 function checkAll(){  
      var isCheck = this.checked;  
      $('form[@name="fm"] input:checkbox[@name!="chk_all"]').each(function(){  
           this.checked = isCheck;  
 function selectForDelete(){  
      var alertIdsObj = $('form[@name="fm"] input[@name="deleteIds"]');  
      if (this.checked) {  
           if (alertIdsObj.val().indexOf(this.value)==-1) {  
                if(alertIdsObj.val()=='') {  
                } else {  
      } else {  
           if (alertIdsObj.val().indexOf(this.value)>=0) {  
 //Function called for item details...  
 function viewAlertDetails(alertId) {  
            type: 'POST',  
            url: getUrl()+"&alertId="+alertId+"&cmd=detailed-market-alerts",  
            data: {},                                           
            success: function(returnData) {  
 function getUrl() {  
      var url = new String(document.location);  
      var index = url.indexOf("?");  
      if (index!=-1) {  
           url = url.substring(0,index);  
      return url;  
 //function called from second page to go back to first page with latest data...  
 //Repalces the old content with new  
 function viewAlerts() {  
            type: 'POST',  
            url: getUrl(),  
            data: {},                                           
            success: function(returnData) {       
                var myData = $(returnData).find('#-mainDiv').html();  
                $('#chk_all').bind('change', checkAll);  
                $('form[@name="fm"] input:checkbox[@name!="chk_all"]').each (function(index) {            
                return true;  
      return false;  

The flow is as below,
- First page shows list of data.
- By clicking particular item from the list, i hides the mainDiv and shows details of the item in detailsDiv using $.ajax.
- By clicking "Back" button from detailsDiv, i again loads the main page using $.ajax.

The problem is, when i go to second page and comes on the first page using $.ajax,i change the HTML content of mainDiv with the latest data in viewAlerts() javascript function as $('#-mainDiv').html(myData);.

If you check the script, you will notice that i have registered the event handling for checkboxes in the document,One for main checkbox and one for all other checkboxes of the list, using $(document).ready() jQuery function. Event handling works fine at first page. But when we change the html content of the div afterwards, event handler automatically removed.

So to re-enable the events on checkboxes,we need to use following code in viewAlerts() javascript function.

 $('#chk_all').bind('change', checkAll);  
 $('form[@name="fm"] input:checkbox[@name!="chk_all"]').each (function(index) {  

$(jQueryDomObj).bind(eventName,function) is very useful if you want to manipulate the element contents using javascript.